February 17, 2010


A new address but the same random blog. I still can't believe I actually blog after 2 years. My history of follow through isn't the greatest. But I do have a funny story to tell tonight...

I've applied to finally sit my teacher training year in Sept 2010. This course is notoriously difficult to get onto especially when undergraduates desperately apply to any post-grad course available. It's one course at one university if you want to teach in Northern Ireland. And as if the stakes weren't high enough at this point...it's the same course I withdrew from in favor of living it up in Vancouver. Needless to say there's alot riding on that acceptance letter.

So imagine the nervous anticipation and agitation when a letter from Queens Uni arrived this morning. It was a small envelope but I'd been told not to expect anything until March. "Dear Miss Lowry....Regrettably we will not be able to offer you a place on this course in 2010...Sorry this is not more encouraging".


I raged out. I cried. I slammed doors. I shouted. I cried some more. Then I noticed that the top of the letter said Biology. Now I have forgotten alot of my Chemistry degree but I know that it ain't Biology. So I compose myself and call the secretary of studies..."Oh hold on dear, I'll check your file....(elevator music).....hello dear, yes it looks like you were interviewed for the Chemistry course so it must have been a minor mix up".


What a relief. But admin needs to sort that shit out...can't be putting peeps through that. When the actual letter gets here, I'm going to be reading it very very carefully and if it's bad news, I'm going to need a therapist on speed dial and a shotgun in the boot of my car.

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