August 23, 2015

Live your life. Forget your age.

I read an interesting article in this months Cosmo while getting my hair coloured was Radio 1's Jameela Jamil evaluating an article she came across which listed life's major milestones and the age which we're expected to reach them. Her responses were very funny so I though I'd evaluate my own progress...

First Kiss 15
I can't remember who my first kiss was or where it was but I think I was a little younger than 15. And it was horrible. I'm surprised I ever did it more than once!

First FT Job 20
I was 26 when I started my first full time job and I was 29 when I got my first permanent contract so I'm way off here. But if you think about it, this is absolutely ridiculous considering students studying a bachelor degree won't finish uni until they're 21. And how many graduates are actually able to bag a job right off the bat anyway?

Pass your driving test 20
I didn't pass my driving test until I came home from uni/travelling and I think I was 23. This was a pain in the ass and I highly recommend getting it done at 18, especially if you live somewhere like Northern Ireland where the quality of public transport is questionable.

Buy your first car 22
Obviously not! I bought my first car at 26 and if I'm being honest, my Dad helped me so I didn't have to finance it without a permanent job! So that would be another fail.

First holiday with friends 20
I went on holiday with friends at 18 and pretty much every year after that til I was 25! I never did the 'drink-all-night and sleep-all-day on the island holiday' and I have no regrets about that because I always had great times filled with funny stories that we still reminise about now we're all turning 30.

First holiday with a partner 23
I only just came home from my first holiday with my partner and I'm 29. I have been on holiday with friends and my boyfriend at the time has been there too but it's not the same and I wouldn't consider those boyfriends my partner. Going on holiday with a partner is a test of a relationship and I'm happy to say we passed with flying colours. Roll on next summer for more of the same!

Be a bridesmaid 23
I think I was 24 the first time I was a bridesmaid and it was a very special experience. That year was also the beginning of a massive wave of weddings and was the first time I ever considered whether I might be failing at life's milestones. 5 years later and 5 years wiser I can assure you I wasn't.

Rent on your own 24
I have been living on my own for 4 years, since I was 25 but my living situation is very unique. My parents reside in Poland so I take care of our family home. It's perfect...I live independantly, can socialise care free and have an opportunity to save to buy. I don't think I will every rent again but never say never.

Get married 27
Obviously not. This is a difficult one to comment on. Throughout my twenties, friends were getting married left right and centre and it was hard coming home and not thinking about your own wedding and meeting your life partner and all the excited and sad feelings that come along with that. What I will say with confidence is that you have no control over when you meet the right guy or under what circumstances. But when you do you won't care what age you are or whether or not you've missed this milestone, you.ll just look forward to what's to come with that person.

Buy first flat 27
This makes sense to buy your first flat with your first husband (and hopefully last!).  And if you've been working full time since you're 20 it's a reasonable age to buy your first property if you're unattached. I won't be buying a house for another 2-3 years and I'm 29. It's a huge financial commitment and considering I'm only beginning my first permanent job this week, I'm not quite ready for it. It's also different when you have a partner when it becomes a joint commitment. I don't care if "now's the time to buy" or "house prices are going up". It's never the time to buy if you can't afford it.

Have first child 28
Missed this one too! But alot of my friends are right on track! And these kids bring me alot of joy.

So as you can see, I'm behind schedule for pretty much all of life's major pre-30 milestones. But it makes me want to giggle more than it makes me want to cry. These suggestions are all inter-dependent and for some people it's accurate and it works but I would be surprised if this is the norm. 3 or 4 years ago, I might not have appreciated the humour of this article in Cosmo but now I do. I'm looking forward to reaching these milestones in the next decade but I don't care for the number that comes after each one.

How do you feel? Are you 'on track'?

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