March 8, 2010

And the award goes to.

The Oscar's. The only awards ceremony I get excited about and one where the winner is decided by an 'academy' of people. I have no idea who these people are, where they are or what they do. Is their sole purpose in life being a part of this 'academy'? I picture a huge house with big glass windows on a remote island that hasn't even been discovered yet by normal people. And the academy members, one of which must be named Oscar, are all very laid back people who watch movies all day. It's just a theory though.

So the 2010 Academy Awards and just a few observations.

Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are 2 very funny people. Steve Martin has always reminded me of my Dad since Father of the Bride and I quite like my Dad. Anyway, they were the hosts....yet we hardly saw them? The banter was poor, the show was non-existent. Where were all the super famous people getting involved and all the superstar banter you could only expect at the Oscars? More importantly, where was Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts? The middle dragged on for what seemed like hours, getting the formality awards out of the way like best sound mixing, foreign short films, best personal assistant to the executive producer onset in a foreign language in a leading role. (that last one isn't real, I made it up). THEN you sit up and get ready for the actor, actress, picture. Boom Boom Tom Hanks Boom; it's over in 20mins. WHAT? I stayed up til 5:30am for THAT.

Another thing. Will the Oscars now become an annual celebration of the underdog? There's always one. Last year, Slumdog completely deserved to sweep the board. With such a low budget, everything from the musical score to the cinematography to the actors to the unique story came together beautifully. It was a one-off. Yet this year hurt-locker did the same thing. And I thoroughly completely do not agree having watched the movie and feeling, quite frankly, disappointed.

Avatar may be an obvious choice but there's a reason for that. I'm a big fan of the underdog but not at the expense of deserving winners. Yeah sure James Cameron still won at the box office but he is a visionary, he didn't spend 13yrs on 1 movie for the money. Yeah some people think he is an awful man but you have to give props when props are deserved. And he deserved MAD PROPS which wasn't even slightly reflected at the Oscars. But obviously the 'academy' had to be politically correct and award a women the best director gig for the first time. That's the world we live in.

Sandra Bullock won...excellent. And her acceptance speech was perfect. I like her alot and this, along with Jeff Bridges winning best actor, was a saving grace.

Miley Cyrus, Kristen Stewert and Taylor Lautner presenting...sorry to all who are crazy fanatics but it was poor. Girls please do not aspire to be Kristen Stewert. I appreciate awkwardness as much as the next person but looking like you are pissed off with the world constantly just gets tiresome. You're at the oscar's WOMAN.

Better luck next year 'Academy'. Bring back Hugh Jackman.

P.S. My friend Laura accompanied me for the Oscars experience but she faded somewhere in the middle.

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