October 29, 2011

Having received a pay cheque for the first time in a year, I've been thinking about all the things my future pay cheques might contribute to. Near the top of the list is my own space. I might not own a house until I get married or decide to settle down, whichever comes first, but it doesn't mean I don't already know what I want.

I want to have secret doors so I can hide with a cup of coffee whenever I need to. I want book shelves that reach right up to the ceilings filled with all the classics and books with beautiful photographs. I want every room to have a quirky style, with one of my own photo's hanging on the wall and scented candles that smell divine. I want a kitchen with an island in the middle, and bar stools to drink coffee at. I want a fireplace and a huge tub in my bathroom. I want so much storage that I never have to throw anything away. I want lanterns that light up the stairway and sofa's that make you want to fall asleep and forget the world every time you sit in them. I want a front yard that I can turn into a winter wonderland at Christmas time. And I want my space filled with friends and family all the time. Because hey, I'll have secret doors to hide behind when they annoy me!

I want alot of things, not limited to the details of my dream house. But I am grateful for the studio flat I get to live in now, with my family right next door and my shitty car right outside. I just like to aim big, and it gives me something to think about when there's nothing on TV on a Saturday afternoon.

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