December 17, 2011

One week today and it's Christmas Eve. I love Christmas Eve. It may be a figment of the mind, but I genuinely think there is something a little different in the air when all the shops are closed and families start to come together. Two weeks today and it's New Years Eve. I live in hope every year that this one won't be such an anti-climax. And 3 weeks today it is the day before my 26th birthday...

When I was at school, I had a list of things I wanted to have achieved by the time I was 26. I don't know why I chose the age 26, at the time it just seemed like a really cool age to be. Well I'm sorry to say that I haven't exactly been able to check every box. In fact, I've forgotten what most of the things were but there are a few that stand out...a big one that involves a beautiful man and a pretty white dress and a few that require alot more money in the bank! I don't think this is necessarily a reflection on my ability to achieve because the list I wrote as a 16 year old didn't reflect the person I was going to become. I still want these things but the scenic route has been alot of fun. University over the water, a few gap years in Canada and living in Belfast at the beginning of this year was the perfect decision for me while many of my other friends were continuing to settle down. I studied something worthwhile and met some super people. I have achieved things, and I've made mistakes but I learn from all of it and I think that is one of our deeper purposes in life. By truly learning, we discover integrity, humility and patience. And here's hoping that these things mean I can enjoy it when the other things do fall into place.

So this birthday, I am going to try and not dwell on the things I haven't accomplished yet or the people I haven't met yet. The sooner we learn not to rely on 10 year plans, the better. And for those of you who do, that's very nice but go out and do something spontaneous RIGHT NOW.

For me, it's time to frost some Christmas cookies, the dough should be just perfect.

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