August 21, 2015

Abs Abs Arms!

Last week of summer holidays and last Wed morning PT session. Evening sessions will take some getting used to. As you may have guessed already we did a lot of ab work and a little arm work in the gym this week. We used a 5kg kettle bell and medicine ball for a few moves but it was mostly floor work that requires no additional equipment. It wasn't as energetic as last weeks leg session but it made me sweat and tested my stamina. Most exercises we worked through, I would get tired halfway through the reps so would have to push hard to get through it. Apparently this is when your body starts to change shape and that very thought keeps you going. 

So we settled on a core challenge over the next 30 days. There are so many of these infographics available but that can make it hard to know which one to choose. With the help of my PT we chose one which incorporates moves that I had been using with him so that I could be confident of technique. Have a look and try it yourself! For this week we're going to try and repeat the circuit for each day 3 times with a small break in between! Good luck!


  1. What gym do you use?

  2. At the minute I dont have a gym membership. There is a gym where i work I can use for free or I use the park or I use DW fitness and pay for one-off use. This is just until I decide whether or not to become a member there
