March 25, 2010

Bah I don't know what to blog about. It's not that I don't do anything, it's that I don't do anything even a little bit exciting. I could talk about my weekend past in more detail but I'd rather forget about it. I could talk about my church but there is little point in reminding myself and others how difficult and disheartening it is right now. Nobody likes a moan. And I have almost 3 weeks break ahead so chin up lad. I could talk about After Schools but it would be pretty boring. It's also been a little more difficult recently but it's still a super fun job, just a little...unpredictable! But I might be leaving if I get my letter from uni saying "Yes, come study with us debs". Which, I guess, means I could talk about the fact that the aforementioned letter has still not arrived much to my epic inconvenience but is talking about it going to make it turn up later? Probably not.

And of course I could talk about how I'm feeling about my wee visit to Vancouver in just ONE WEEK. But I can't put it into words, I just hope it's going to be really great.

And since I have nothing to talk about, I'm away to continue my Thursday. Cya.

1 comment:

  1. I hate when I don't know what to blog about! I have a site launching tomorrow to help people with blog topic ideas!
