September 19, 2010

I am happy to report that I am now blogging from my new attic room in my new Belfast home. And I love it.

I have to admit that moving house is one of my least favorite things in the world. Trying to think about every little thing you might need and where you are going to store it all makes my head hurt. A little like calculus used to do in school. But, like with most things in this life, once you bite the metaphorial bullet and order chinese food afterwards, it's actually not so bad.

Tomorrow morning it's back to university. I have regressed to my former student self with ease, but after a full day of induction lectures, I might be saying something different. Something along the lines of "debs, what were you thinking?".

I'd only be fooling myself if I told y'all that this year would be a breeze. I've been lucky enough to live a very relaxed lifestyle over the past few years so suddenly not having all the time in the world to take photo's, download music, write in my blog or spend time just hanging out with friends is going to shock my system. A little like when Bambi's mum died. But I have wonderful people in my life who can brighten up my day very easily, I even have some people back on my radar who disappeared for a while, so I'm not worried. I'm excited.

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