September 9, 2010

Please don't be angry dear blog, do not feel like a victim. This game of catch-up we play oh so regularly is far from limited to my blog updates. It's becoming a habit or a way of life, like having to spray perfume whenever I leave my bedroom...except it doesn't leave me smelling so pretty.

Some may say it is my own fault and that karmic balance has been restored but I will forever place the blame on Easyjet and France. Yes, France the country. Confused? You may have to stay that way because all I'm going to say is that available flight schedules are inconvenient (that's me using nice words) and air strikes are a pain in the arse (again...nice words).

I have started my return to student life in true style. With just 1.5hrs sleep (cheers France) I made the 90min drive to where my super important induction day would be held. I clearly didn't get the memo about the dress code. I sat in my first lecture with the heaviest head and the biggest, baddest cup of coffee I've ever attempted to consume. Lets be honest, I looked hungover. The next day I started my first placement for the year, but my head was still stuck in the day before and my body was still feeling the affects of that coffee. When I went to enrol (3days late) I went to the wrong building, got angry, got worried, got upset, found the building and felt relieved, got angry when a moron tried to enrol me and then laughed uncontrollably when my student card picture had the word 'disabled' above my face. I'm pretty much a walking, talking advertisement for how not to start university.

My student card photo was re-taken after several attempts. And today hasn't gone too bad. Maybe thats all my bad luck for the entire year over with...