October 21, 2010

Today is a down day. I hate these days. No motivation. No confidence. Feeling guilty when you realize you've neglected responisbilties and relationships. Feeling anxious over decisions you've made. A to-do list that never gets smaller but continuously grows longer. Another list of things you'd like to buy but can't afford. And other little things playing on your mind. All of this in the same day. Then, quite often, the next day, normality resumes.

What I've been thinking alot about recently is the concept of 'perspective'. It's a certain mentality that affects how you feel about something and how you react to things. For instance, it's really easy to stress yourself out over assignments and lesson plans and deadlines, especially when you're sharing your course (unfortunately) with very overtly intense, organized, academic people. But take a step back, put things into perspective and you realize that you're good at this and it's just a pass or fail year; no grades and no honors and it's actually quite easy to ignore those people.

Same applies to the 'down' days. Put things into perspective and you realize that you're not superwoman, life can't always be easy, mistakes are inevitable and todays worries will be forgotten soon enough.

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