September 8, 2011

Reasons not to date me (cont):

1. You'll never know what I'm really thinking. I'll say one thing, but it's not what I'm really saying. All are welcome to try and crack the code.

2. I have a super sensitive nose. Wierd smells are a deal breaker.

3. I like things to be clean but if I want to leave my crap everywhere, that's ok. It's been 4 days since I cleaned up and it won't happen today either, just to justify this point.

4. I dislike cheese and pizza. Do not order pizza on DVD night.

5. I abbreviate words because I think it makes me sound cool.

6. I'm serious about that last point. All words can be abbreviated.

7. I watch Disney movies regularly. And I know the words to all the songs.

8. Celine Dion will sing my wedding song. In french.

9. I'm really serious about not liking pizza. Don't order it.

10. If you call me 'babe', it's personal. Relationship terminated.

11. There is a small collection of words in the english language that completely gross me out (nipple, loaf, moist, embellish, fester, crevice). There are more but these are the highlights. People have been known to use this against me to instigate irrational behaviour.

12. I'm obsessed with making lists. I even make lists of reasons why people shouldn't date me.

Reasons you should date me:

I would totally eat pizza for somebody I cared about.

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