February 1, 2012

Many will argue, but January 2012 has been a great month. I had a lovely birthday, started a new contract at a school which I love, saved a few pennies and lost a few lbs! It's probably the same pounds I put on over Christmas but hey, it's still good going considering my minimal effort (far too cold out for running!). Now it's February and I'm scared the happy new year bubble has burst. I only have 2 more weeks in my current contract and even though my job interview today went okay, it obviously wasn't okay enough judging by the fact that it is 7pm and my phone ain't ringing. I've interviewed in 7 schools since last Feb, and applied to 9 so I'm disappointed and feel a normal amount of inadequacy but I'm getting used to it and will be fine again tomorrow. I think I thought that maybe my success streak was going to climax in finally getting the job. Any job. But it didn't and now I'm nervous that my new-found sunny disposition and positive attitude to life might fall to the wayside. And I'm sure every twenty something job-seeker will agree with me when I say it's hard to stay positive when you want to work and further your chosen career but can't seem to get your foot in the door.

It's one year this coming Monday since my very special Grannie passed away, and if she were here this evening I'd be crying on her shoulder and she would be putting a black mark against any school who wouldn't have me. Telling me it's their loss and not to worry because God's got it all planned and here's a ginger nut and a cuppa tea to make you feel better. So lets go with that.

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