July 1, 2012

One year on...

It's been a year since I moved out of my student digs and into my wee flat by myself. I missed my student house a lot in the beginning, mostly because i loved my uni lifestyle, I always did. But gradually I settled into my job and my own space and now I celebrate all the things I can do because I live alone. Did you know that the housing market anticipates the single living market to be the most lucrative over the next decade? I read a great debate about it in the NY Times. But the reasons that I love living alone are all the little things I can do because of it, like...

  • Going straight from the fridge to bed and happily skipping out the table on the way.
  • Which leads on nicely to the king size bed I have all to myself (and baby mickey who is no longer relegated to a dusty shelf). When I do get married, that's going to be one hell of an adjustment.
  • Rinsing dinner plates. It's only me who uses them so I don't waste dish soap. Or, alternatively, leaving the washing up for days to optimise the use of dish soap.
  • Watch 9 episodes of greys anatomy in one day, crying everytime into my most recent tub of baked Alaska ice cream.
  • Listening and dancing to Justin Bieber whilst doing housework. Makes the task so much more enjoyable.
  • Wear the same socks for days on end. I don't have smelly feet and I have my favourite socks so why not?
  • Chips and dip for dinner more often that I care to admit
  • Guilty pleasure movies. You know, the ones that get rotten reviews but that you secretly love. They also go great with Chinese take out.
  • So what if I choose to buy the same groceries all the time? I'm a creature of habit. And when I do try something different and it goes wrong, nobody ever knows.
  • Pj bottoms all of the time. Even better than tracky b's! Especially my Christmastime ones that, yes, I do wear in June.
And there are probably many more things that I get away with that I won't even realise til I no longer live alone. I never looked forward to living alone because I was worried that I'd feel lonely or bored or that people would judge me, it was merely a means to an end. But now I don't care if they do judge me, and it's not lonely. It's peaceful and relaxing and liberating. So here's to the next year in the same place. Haven't done that in a while...

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm just getting used to being in the house on my own and the freedom is both liberating and terrifying :)
