June 16, 2012

The longer you leave between blog posts, the harder it becomes to write something. You see things, hear things, think of things and you take mental notes but it's not always coherent and you don't always have time to make it so. There's only 2 weeks til school's out for summer and I've no work confirmed for September so my mind is pretty pre-occupied.

But I did find some time to go see The Hunger Games. I had never heard of the books until I heard about the movie, and the only reason I went to see the movie was because it was a mothers day gift. To my mum. Not me! Well, I was completely fascinated by the concept and read the entire trilogy afterwards. Suzanne Collins develops her characters and their relationships in the story so well and the idea that a government dictates our every move and our very futures, sometimes with our knowledge but more often without is intriguing. The story is far fetched and it's not. And you have to admire an author with the scope to develop an original and captivating story with themes so thought provoking. I'm jealous of her mind and imagination. This is the kind of story I would love to write.

No matter how busy you are, it would be difficult to miss the Queen's jubilee and the olympic torch relay, both events that we won't see again. I didn't realise what a big deal either was until it was happening and I learnt alot. Seeing people celebrate the royal family made me think of my Grannie an awful lot. I remember the tins she kept in her house and the newspaper clips from the Queen's coronation and I know she would have loved to see this. And did you know that the Olympic torch has 8000 little holes in it's aluminium mesh, each representing one torch bearer? I didn't. I also didn't know the 3 values of the Olympics, "Faster, Higher, Stronger". And for you fellow Chemistry geeks out there, have you seen Olympicene, the 5 ringed molecule? Pretty cool. Check it out.

One last thing for today. Predestination. Up until recently, this word meant nothing to me except something else for Christians to argue about. But it's beginning to mean more than that. Predestination is this idea that God has already chosen those who will follow him and those who won't. Which, in my basic understanding, contradicts the concept of free will and the idea that God is love. Both fundaments of the Christian faith. Yes, we should feel privileged and humbled to be one of the elect, but that's not how I feel. I believe that my Grannie is in heaven, and I hope that I will go there too because of the faith we both have in God, the messy faith that we were able to share with each other. But there are too many people in my life that don't have an active faith and it's not worth thinking about a reality that doesn't include these people.

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