August 17, 2013

Writer's block

I've tried to blog so many times this summer but every time I start, I can't think of anything to say. Now it's the beginning of the end of summer and life is about to get crazy busy once again. But I have realised something in the last wee while. When you take work away for 2 months, there are 2 very different sides to me and as I get older, they appear to be getting more extreme. Not in an evil Jekyll and Hyde way, or a creepy schizophrenic way, just in a more normal way. It seems that I'm either a superly motivated, hardworking, busy busy bee or I'm the laziest son of a bitch you ever did see (ha...I'm rhyming).

Exhibit A: week beginning 12th August 2013, entitled my most laziest of weeks. This week, I have spent most of my time in bed or on the sofa watching 'How I met your mother', browsing Pinterest (where I've practically planned my entire wedding twice over, what my kids bedrooms will look like, what I will be eating for dinner til Christmas and a virtual wardrobe much cooler than my own), eating bagels because it's the only food source in my flat right now and explaining to my cat why this is perfectly acceptable behaviour because it's summer. He wasn't convinced.

Exhibit B: week beginning 22nd July, 2013. Just a few weeks prior to my most laziest week, I was abnormally productive. I was like a Duracell bunny with too many batteries. I had been on holiday for a week with the girls (whole other story) and to get over the post holiday blues, I gutted out every single inch of my apartment. There is not one drawer, cupboard or shelf that isn't immaculately clean and organised. I donated, recycled and dumped half of everything I own and now life feels a little less cluttered. Forget therapy my friends...just clean yo house.

So you see, if you had met me in July you might of thought I was an intensely organised freak of nature who needed to rethink their definition of 'summer holiday'. And if you met me this week, you might of thought I was in need of some tough love...get up, put some clothes on, run a mile, you look like shit, that kind of love.

But all I can say is that I'm sorry to those who had to meet the more extreme parts of my personality and that I'm actually looking forward to getting back to school. I'm a much more balanced person when I'm working and I'm optimistic that this year will be a good one. Fingers crossed I'm not blogging next month about how optimism sucks (spoof).

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