June 22, 2013

A Pocono Wedding

I spent last weekend in New York; my cousin asked me to be her Maid of Honor and it was a lovely experience, well worth the calender count down. She put together a very beautiful day and the pictures I took of the venue and her dress and my dress don't do any of it justice.

New York City isn't my favorite place in the world but I always look forward to a few days there. There are some awesome things to see and this busy electric atmosphere that's so different from Belfast but I always feel quite uncomfortable there. Like I don't belong. Compared to Vancouver...I wanted to move their after a week. But I had to ask myself, sitting in my classroom this week, is life a little too comfortable here sometimes?

Over the wedding weekend, I met musicians, costume designers, comedians, PR agents and lots of architects working in big cities all over the world. Teacher didn't seem to quite measure up. Don't get me wrong; I love my job and will never be ashamed to be a teacher, but it's not glamorous. Most people I met were older than me, busier than me and definitely able to party harder than me.

Five years ago, if I'd gone on this trip I would have come home feeling bored, restless and full of regret. This week I came home and looked forward to my summer at home with the friends I have here, having spent a lovely, happy few days with my whole extended family. It's too easy to let everyday problems detract from how you feel about your life overall. Remove yourself for a few days and you'll know whether you're on the right track or if you need a small detour.

For now, I think I'm on the right track.


  1. Beautiful pics Debs :) It's really interesting to see your thoughts on NYC, always wondered what it is like and my little sis would love to go there someday. Part of me is fascinated to experience it but i can imagine it is absolutely manic too!

    And being a teacher is a very honorable and important job :)

  2. Thank you very much! Definitely make sure you and your sis go sometime. I've been several times but only ever for a few days :) Nowhere else like it
