August 13, 2015

You've probably been doing it wrong

This week has me feeling less like summer and more like "shit, term starts next week"! It's been back to earth with a big big bang after July. Things got busy and to-do lists got longer. There's less time to be care-free and more tasks and appointments to juggle in your head. But I want to be care-free all the time and that's something to work on.

I met my PT today for our first official session. We met in the park and completed 2 TRX suspension circuits. I've never used TRX straps but they worked pretty well and if your gym has them, definitely have a go. I have to take care of my knees when I exercise and with these circuits I was squatting and lunging with absolutely no pressure on my knees whatsoever.
And guess what I learned girls? Most of us are doing it wrong. We copy the workout videos on YouTube and follow the challenges on Pinterest and it's hard, but it's supposed to be so much harder. And that's why we don't all have our Kardashian butt's already!

I'm not an expert but next time you squat....butt to the floor and weight in the heel of the foot. Way harder right? If you want to try my workout at home, I've included the 2 circuits below. They may be slightly less effective without TRX equipment but if your technique is on point, they will still be worthwhile. It hurts to sit on the toilet today so it's woken my muscles up alright.

CIRCUIT 1 (Repeat 4 times)

  • 20 squats butt to the floor and rise through the heels
  • 12 press ups girly ones are fine, but only if hips are lowered
  • 15 lunges per leg when your knee reaches the floor you should feel the stretch in both glutes and if you don't move your feet further apart
  • 12 tricep dips butt at the very edge of the chair and knees at right angles
CIRCUIT 2 (Repeat 2 times)

  • 15 step ups each leg step up onto a chair and lift opposite leg across your body
  • 20 sit-ups full ones, anchor your feet
  • 10 curtsey lunges per leg
  • 20 floor raises (See picture)