August 6, 2015

I met my PT today...

Back home and unpacked after a lovely time away in Spain. It was a great holiday...the sun was shining, the pool was refreshing, the cocktails were delicious and the company was unbeatable. It was fun and relaxing and good for the soul. Now that we're home, we're showing off our tans, mourning the loss of the hot hot sun, looking back on photo's and trying to get back into the swing of real life. The countdown to the start of term is on...

As most of you know, I tried the #careergirlchallenge in July. It was a positive offered a little guidance but room for modification and checking in on here offered a little accountability. But it wasn't enough. It was too easily modified and although I felt good trying the challenge, the overall results were minimal.

I'm turning 30 in 5 months exactly. I'm looking forward to my thirties, I'm ready for my thirties. When I join the club I want to be happy, healthy and confident. The last few years have been tough enough but I've worked hard and I now have my dream job, my dream guy, the most fabulous friends...there's just one thing...I'm still not happy with my body. And I'm determined to fix that before the next 5 months are up.

So today I met my personal trainer for an initial consultation. Having marked official exam papers this summer, I had a little extra disposable cash and even though I'd planned to save it, I changed my mind and decided to invest in my body confidence. I've opted for a 12 week program which involves 1 PT session each week and one optional early morning class with 3-5 other clients each week. Today we took measurements and completed a 40 minute fitness test on the treadmill. It was just walking...3.5mph the whole time, increasing the incline by 0.5 every minute until you hit your maximum. My results....I'm relatively fit, but my stamina sucks and this was no surprise. It's one of the main reasons I want a PT, to help me push through the pain and keep going when I exercise so that I can finally see some real results

So what are my goals?

  • lose inches
  • improve stamina
  • tone tone tone!
I'm hopefully going to keep checking in here, post about what I'm doing in my sessions, what I'm doing myself at the gym and what I'm eating later on in the program. Feel free to ask questions or leave funny/encouraging messages. There's about 50 people who read my posts and I want to hear from you!

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