June 18, 2010

Define "adventure"

It's taking a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome.

I don't think "adventurous" is one of the first words anybody would use to describe me or my life but I do love adventure. Even if it is just trying a new kind of coffee at Starbucks. My favorite adventure would be to travel around the world, following the F1 train and getting a tiny taste of all those countries...in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, South America and even my old friend Canada.

But my summer 2010 is not this cool. A little low key traveling, some temporary work and a little kid stuff. Definitely not an adventure in the classic sense of the word, but I am taking a risk choosing to stay here in NI for longer than ever anticipated and I am very much hoping the outcome will be favorable. So it's still an adventure, right?

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