June 27, 2010

I heard a story today. Set at a 6 storey shopping mall which sells husbands. How excellent...but there are some rules. You can only make one purchase in a lifetime, value increases as you go up the floors but once you go up, you can't go down except to exit the building.

So lets follow an anonymous female as she tries the 'lets purchase a husband' experience. First floor sign reads "All men on this floor have steady, well paid jobs". Sounds good but she can definitely afford a little more.

Second floor sign reads "All men on this floor have steady, well paid jobs and love kids".
Sounds better but there are still 4 more floors and lots more potential.

Third floor sign reads "All men on this floor have steady, well paid jobs and love kids and are seriously good looking". Very tempted to stick here because it's so perfect but it can only get even better, right?

Fourth floor. And the sign here says "All men on this floor have steady, well paid jobs and love kids and are drop dead gorgeous and have a serious romantic streak". Definitely could stop here but maybe just one more floor will make it just right.

Fifth floor and the sign says "All men on this floor have great jobs, love kids, look super hot, are seriously romantic and enjoy housework". This has got to be the one but there is one floor left, so must be something better. She's going for gold.

Sixth and final floor and this sign says "You are the 31, 000, 068 customer to reach this floor. There are no men on this floor. Unable to improve on existing product line". The author of this story says the moral of the story is that women are never fully satisfied. Funny, right?

Humor and blatant sexism aside, this is human nature. We tend to never be satisfied with what we have, to never accept it and always look for something better. More often than not, our hunt for bigger and better things leaves us losing out in the long run. So this Monday morning, wake up and just be happy for what you do have. Be more than happy.

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