June 7, 2010

It is pretty swell that I have found 10 minutes to blog this week. My friend, Laura, gets married this Friday so the week is fairly busy for us bridesmaid folk. But I really wanted to blog-battle a little dilemma I have found myself thinking about today.

Apparently our little Icelandic volcano friend has a sister that will most definitely explode relatively soon. Apparently big sis has waaaaaaaay more steam to blow off. And apparently, unless the wind changes direction, the UK will be left un-inhabitable when it happens. So the way I see it, I have very few options which include the following...

1. Plead ignorance. At the end of the day it's ok because at least the planes are operational so I can make my summer holiday in Tuscany. (Note the sarcasm, it's important here.)

2. Get the emmigration ball rolling. Hello Canada, I missed you.

3. Get to building a state of the art, indestructible, fully stocked underground bunker. Charge people for the use of the aforementioned bunker. Money is important in times like these. (Again, note the sarcastic tone)

4. Quit my job and all other commitments and do all the things I would like to before I die. Snowboarding in Tokyo, Monaco F1 GP, The Cape in SA, Disneyworld, Learn to surf, All you can eat sushi, own an alternative coffee shop, write a book and try marmite. Apparently you either love it or you hate it and which one it is can really define a person. Apparently.

5. Stop listening to people as soon as they say the word 'Apparently".

Whatever happens, let it be known that I am completely confident that God has it all under control. I would rather not experience death by deadly ash cloud anytime at all never mind anytime soon, but if that is they way things are going to roll, awk well. Shit happens.


  1. I like point 4! Similar to most the stuff I wanna do! Have you seen Lost In Translation? Makes me want to go to Tokyo :) would tie in nicely with the sushi too!

    I priced up a Monaco GP trip once, ended up about £10k for the 'full' experience :( On a more positive note, I'm going to Silverstone in a month!

  2. Hi! I haven't seen the movie but it's definitely on the list to watch. I worked in Vancouver for a few years so met lots of people who had been to Tokyo and was able to eat really great sushi all the time!

    £10k for Monaco huh? Bargain, lets buy a few 'full experiences'!!!!!

  3. Vancouver? Awesome! You need to watch Lost In Translation, great movie! My Silverstone ticket was about my limit, £220 for one day! Wouldn't mind going to Spa though, I love that track! Would sit near Eau Rouge :)

  4. Yeah Silverstone is not cheap, I went a few years ago but the season was nowhere near as exciting as this one is shaping up to be. My mate works for McLaren and got a Silverstone ticket for £30!!!!!!!

    Mmmmm other than Monaco, I would love to see Montreal or Melbourne or the Singapore night race.

  5. Wouldn't it just be great to spend the whole year following them around the world to every race! <3

  6. Apparently there is somebody doing that this year!!! I'm starting to save today.....

    after I go out to dinner teehee
