November 24, 2010

How you know you're a real student teacher:

1. You're alarm clock hurts you're feelings every morning.

2. Coffee is the new water.

3. Bathing, eating and sleeping come secondary to lesson plans.

4. All of a sudden, you're very particular about how many days it is til Christmas.

5. Exam time is your favorite time. No teaching = No lesson plans.

6. You go to bed early. That hurts your feelings too.

7. "What were you thinking" is a question you ask yourself daily. More than once.

8. When you find out there is going to be a royal wedding, the first thing you think is "does that mean I'll get a day off"?

9. You get excited about the royal wedding because the 'older' constituency of the staffroom talk about it all the time.

10. You start showing signs of sever cabin fever because you spend much of your working day in a tiny little room drinking coffee and planning lessons with little human interaction.

11. You start to enjoy the cabin and get irritated when other humans try to enter.

12. You realize you haven't hung out with your housemates in days.

13. You approach everyday tasks like a teacher....intended learning objectives, development of activites, assessment for learning and ANTICIPATED DIFFICULTIES.

14. You are insanely excited to go to the cinema ON A WEEKDAY.

15. You write blog posts listing things that make you a student teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I'll put the following down as due to stress and tiredness...

    "You're alarm clock hurts you're feelings every morning"

    "realize" - not British enough Debs!
