December 18, 2010

Today was the perfect snow day. An entire day shut in the house to get absolutely everything done that I have been putting off for weeks including loads and loads of laundry and a few domestic chores I owe my lovely housemates. Some people may well prefer to go to work than perform menial household tasks, but I love the strange feeling of accomplishment when things are clean and fresh and finished. I'm confident with my quirks.

And even if that's not the way you roll, I promise you the chinese food and the epic snowball fight later on would change your mind. It was very entertaining, watching our neighbourly neighbours fighting the not-so neighbourly neighbours across the street. It was pretty serious...there was charging and spades and woks involved, not all at the same time though. woks.

And I couldn't go to bed without mentioning the fact that the front of our house was turned into a mini tourist attraction this evening when the neighbours (the neighbourly ones) built an igloo using our very own recycling boxes around our front door. I'd say it was near 8ft tall and a metre thick in parts. Mad props to all your hard work Team Irish but it was an absolute bitch to clear up! Watch yer back next snow day! 

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