January 15, 2011

I understand that some people are more emotionally 'open' than others, that some people are more inclined to say what they think and that some people like to share every mindless detail of their lives via whatever avenue they can get access to but some people should also take a step back and have a look. Or put themselves in another person's shoes. How does what we say and what we do affect those around us?

Unfortunately, there are some people I have come into contact with recently who have this infectious negative attitude. Who seem to enjoy sharing bad news with practical strangers making everyone feel awkward and who give a new meaning to the word complain. Whatever happened to integrity, dignity and work ethics? Aside from that, what happened to positive thinking and sunny dispositions? Could it be true that some people actually enjoy not enjoying life?

A few thoughts...
Facebook is a social networking site, right? It's fun for sharing or organizing events, staying in touch with friends who are far afield but it is NOT therapy.

Ditto for twitter.

If you are 'complaining', lamenting, grumbling incessantly about how completely unbearably awful your life is then here's an idea: do something about. Change your job, talk to a friend (a real life one!), eat comfort food, go to bed for a week ANYTHING.

Don't mix your emotional peril with other people's professional lives.

Think about this quote from Thomas Paine, 1700's journalist and revolutionary, "Character is much easier kept than recovered".

Some people...


  1. Aren't you ranting and therfore isn't this negative and thus your are being hypocritical? :p

  2. I know what you mean, got a few people on Facebook that do nothing but moan about being ill or tired. Like I give a shit!

  3. I'm with you on this, some people can portray a very negative image, whereas you should appreciate the positives!

  4. Phew...I'm glad I'm not the only one! If I spend the next 10 blog posts ranting about the same thing, then call me a hypocrite :P
