March 2, 2011

I have my first teaching job interview coming up this week (yeah, seriously, I'm shooting for a career finally). I contemplated a blog post telling you about some sample interview questions with some less than serious and frankly quite funny model answers, but then I thought about the repercussions such a post may have. Just trust me when I tell you that it was funny. And be impressed at my maturity.

It's a stressful time. It may sound silly to the self-assured and confident souls out there, but my life has been set to pause to facilitate a job interview that will last 30mins. 30 mins of judgement. Hence the stress, normal right? I practice answers in my room before I go to sleep. I practice answers in the shower. In the car. I think about it all the time, not even daring to think of the possibility of getting the job.

I'm proud of myself for getting the interview in the volatile job market we find ourselves competing in but it's just unfortunate that the first job of the year is the one I really want. I'm flying blind, wearing a really great suit!

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