April 22, 2011

It never ceases to amaze me how patient I can be in a classroom, yet how impatient I am outside of school. In a classroom, it doesn't bother me if we take a detour for whatever reason, I always enjoy it and (pardon the trumpet blowing but...) even my colleagues have commented on my gentle and patient manner.

As soon as I get out of school, however, it's a total transformation. I know all the things that I want and suddenly I want them to happen RIGHT NOW. I want that job in that school and I'm fed up filling out application forms and waiting for the phone to ring. I want to make plans for my summer and my next year but it's out of my control. I want the great guy to change my world, how much longer do I have to wait? There's alot more to add to the list but you get the general idea and I would like to leave it there in an attempt to retain some composure.

Basically, with me, these days, what you see isn't what you get. I'm plodding along, ticking the boxes and enjoying it most of the time, but there is an ever increasing frustration building up because I cannot stop thinking "When is everything going to work out for me and is there anything I can do to speed it all up?".

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