June 23, 2015

#careergirlchallenge Day 2

Day 2...trumped by brownies at break. I don't know about staff rooms in other work places but in schools, they are the worst for lovely baked goods and boxes of chocolates and biscuits. They're also full of women trying to be 'good' but that's another story.

My colleague and fellow Chemistry teacher is retiring this year, with only a few days left and she happens to make the best brownies I ever tasted. I might not have the chance for a while to enjoy them so I did today. Some of you might say it's an excuse? Others will agree with me that getting healthy can't mean cutting out the things you love. It's keeping these things you love a treat, so you enjoy them even more. With the end of the academic year looming, there's lots of parties and cakes at break. What's a girl to do? 

The rest of my day 2 has been good. 2 litres of water and a much more substantial meal plan...fruit and Greek yoghurt for brekkie, leftover steak and parsnip chips for lunch and nuts to munch on. I substituted a 20 minute run for a 20 minute HIIT workout because running on tarmac hurts my knees. The workouts on the Popsugar Active app are great.

And after I've showered the sweat of the day away, I'm going to cook up a sweet potato and spinach frittata and curl up on the sofa with my boyfriend. Not a bad Day 2. Bring on Day 3. 

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