June 24, 2015

#careergirlchallenge Day 3

I'm going to be honest, today wasn't great. I considered not journaling because I was disappointed with myself for the tortilla chips I munched on at break time and the cheeky hot apple pie I had after dinner. But what's the use in that? Instead let's focus on a few positives...

After a bad case of the munchies during school I came home with a craving for a take out dinner. Normally I'd give in with little persuasion necessary but tonight I defrosted some chicken and cooked up a stir fry with some broccoli (I'm aiming for some superfood everyday). 

Temptation resisted. 

I also did my 50 burpees and 50 kick back crunches, split over 4 circuits and that felt good. Moral of the day...stay accountable and don't let a few munchies write off an entire day.

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