June 30, 2015

#careergirlchallenge Day 9

Few days away...and a day behind my challenge! Sunday was supposed to be a 20 minute run. I spent the day with 22 teenagers helping them to paddle 17 kilometres in a canoe up the River Bann so I thought that covered me for a run. 

And here's a question...what do you do on a day like yesterday where you're up at 6:30 and out of the house til 23:30? Do you really start planking and mountain climbing so late at night when you're so tired? Or get up 20 minutes earlier again when you know you don't function before 8am? I haven't worked this out yet, any reassurance or advice is welcome.

Tomorrow I will be cardio-ing and catching up on my strength exercises (planks, mountain climbers and tricep dips) and will be back on track with nothing but time to spare now that schools out for summer.

Did I mention that school's out for summer?

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