July 26, 2015

Still a career girl...still challenged...

Officially the career girl challenge is over, but unofficially it's still only getting started. I didn't work out everyday and I modified the program to fit my circumstances but that's ok. Because I did workout, and I sweated it out when I did. And I'll continue to do that when I can and I don't just mean when I feel like it. I mean when I genuinely can...a free morning or afternoon at home. 

I've spent the weekend watching documentaries...the summer weather here in Northern Ireland is less than tropical! It's bloody miserable and I've never been happier to have booked a summer holiday (just 2 days to go). I re-watched a documentary called hungry for change for a little motivation and inspiration. I highly recommend it and I've blogged about it on here before.

Point is...weight loss and feeling good is mostly diet. It effects your mood, your skin, your hair, your confidence, your weight and your health. And we don't have a clue what we're eating most of the time. My aim for the next little while is to cut down on sugar. This is huge for me, a self confessed coca cola addict with a horrendously sweet tooth but I think it will have a really positive impact on my quest for self improvement.

I started by purchasing Davina McCall's 5 weeks to no sugar recipe book. I'd never heard of the book but I'm a big fan of Davina's fitness programs. When I flicked through the recipes it was refreshing to see that they were normal family (and boyfriend) friendly dishes with normal, accessible ingredients.The last cook book I bought was a lovely book for my kitchen shelf but it was too 'green' and I had to look on Amazon for some of the ingredients making it unrealistic. 

This evening I baking brownies using 100% dark chocolate with honey and pure maple syrup for sweetness. White flour was replaced with wholemeal spelt flour which meant the brownies were filled with natural sugars only that will break down in your body. They're still pretty calorific but there's no white processed sugar that really just turns to fat lurking behind afterwards. The finished product on its own is ok. Warmed up with a little ice cream is delicious!! 

Stay tuned for more ideas and reviews that might be helpful for a reduced sugar lifestyle! 

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