June 23, 2016

It's really happening...

I can't believe the last time I blogged was just after our trip to Paris. That was in February and so much has happened since then. One month later, on 30th March 2016, Dan took me to a beach, just me and him, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. It was so lovely. The only other souls on the beach were kids having horse riding lessons on the shore. The sun was just about to set and we were snuggled on top of a sand dune. It wasn't the original plan apparently but it was perfect. Yes, it would have been nice if I didn't look like I'd been walking through Tollymore Forest Park in the rain all day but that's what official engagement photos are for! The real "we just got engaged" photo's are not cute.

I always thought that everything would change after you get engaged. With a wedding and a life to start planning, how could it not? But it didn't. We went away for a few days to County Sligo to celebrate on our own and after that we went back to work and continued as normal. There were lots of well wishers, generous gifts and a big party but day to day life didn't change. The truth is, that we had already started planning our lives together long before there was a ring. We had emotionally made that commitment months before and there is something very comforting in that.

As for planning a wedding...it hasn't taken up much time or effort so far. We were lucky enough to love the first venue we looked at and quickly set a date. Right by the lake lands of Country Fermanagh, big enough for all our nearest and dearest and freedom to make the day and the venue just what we want. Now we're just taking the time to decide what it is we want. As if that's not exciting enough, the builder is starting to build our first home next month and we get to start thinking of our honeymoon and making it the holiday of a lifetime (consider island hopping in Hawaii...).

I love being engaged. Every so often I have to stop myself and take a moment to smile at everything that has happened and is happening. Because day to day life continues as normal and it is too easy to get wrapped up in little niggly annoyances or feel anxious about the cost of it all or the pressure to look amazing on the big day. Even when there's over a year to go.

When I read my journal from the past few years, since settling down and starting to teach; I often wrote about finding a partner, buying a home and starting a family but it seemed out of reach and out of my control. I didn't like to admit how much I thought about it because I didn't want people to think I was unhappy with my life. I needed to be single in my mid twenties so that I could figure out who I wanted to be, what made me happy and what I really wanted from life. And it was important that I figured out the answers to all of those questions without being influenced by somebody else. I love easily, and when it's the right person, it's the happiest feeling in the world. When it wasn't the right person, it was absolutely heart breaking. In my twenties I learned to guard my heart, and then somebody showed up and slowly took it down. I would not change a thing about it. I wouldn't have wanted it to happen any sooner or any later in any other way.

And even though there were times I thought it may never happen for me, Dan and I are now planning our wedding, our travels, our home and our lives together. We still can't decide what to eat for dinner or what movie to watch on a Friday night but we can live with that! Because we can decide, wholeheartedly, on who we want to eat with and watch movies with.

February 18, 2016

One day in Paris

For the past 3 days I have resided in the Dream Castle Hotel, Disneyland, Paris. My boyfriend took me as part of my 30th birthday celebrations. Perfect, I know. As much as I love Disneyland, we set aside a day to be adults and explore beautiful Paris. I did lots of research leading up to the trip...suggested walking tours, reviews on famous landmarks, tourist recommendations etc. but most of it wasn't useful for 2 people who just want a relaxing, carefree day exploring with no rushing and no pressure. So here's how we did Paris. We picked out 5 places we wanted to see and bought an all day travel pass which allowed us to travel anywhere in Paris on the RER or Metro til midnight. This cost approx. 16.50 euro each. Our weather was perfect for Feb...very cold in the shade but blue skies and sunshine all day long.

1. Notre Dame

We started by getting off the blue RER line at St Michel Notre Dame. Exits to landmarks are well signposted when you get off the trains in Paris. Notre Dame is beautiful, inside and out. One of the most impressive buildings I've seen. We decided to go up the towers of Notre Dame. The queue took 40mins which was much longer than reviews had led us to believe and don't underestimate how tough it is to climb 400 steps. Our woobly legs struggled on the way down. But the view down River Seine and the skyline of Paris looked fantastic in the sun. 

2. River Seine/Pont Neuf

From Notre Dame, there is a lovely walk down the river which passes all the bridges you see from up above. This was one of the highlights of our day. On le Pont Neuf we read the hundreds of padlocks, feeling disappointed that we had forgotten ours. Apparently they are starting to remove the padlocks to protect the structural safety of the bridge. An artist drew our picture in the sun and we haggled his price so we could keep it..how cute!

3. Louvre and Palace Gardens

The museum was closed the day we were there (Tuesday) but we hadn't intended on going inside anyway. We took our pictures pin pointing the tip of big Louvre and we were on our way, a little underwhelmed to be honest. We could see L'Arc de Triomphe in the distance so we walked towards it and the gardens were pleasant, just a little dusty. There were big water fountains every so often with reclining chairs to sit in the sun and a Ferris wheel very similar to the London Eye. Another enjoyable stroll taking in the parisienne atmosphere.

4. Champs d'Elysse and L'Arc de Triomphe

It was a long old walk from Louvre to Champs d'Elyssee. In the sun it was quite nice but there are yellow RER stops on the way so that's an option to save your feet. Beware of traffic...roundabouts with no lanes, pedestrian crossings where the lights aren't working and mental drivers made me nervous to say the least. The Champs d'Elysee is an impressive street when you get there. The footpath is wider than main roads at home but it is just expensive shops and cinemas. We didn't travel to shop so we just admired as our feet started to get tired. 

5. Eiffel Tower

From L'Arc de Triomphe, follow the underground passage to the far side and find the Metro stop for the M6 line. This will take you to Bir Hakim, where there are signs leading you to the Eiffel Tower. There is a yellow RER stop even closer which we used heading home. We arrived at the Eiffel Towers as the sun started to set. It really is magnificent when you get up close and see how big it is having noticed it on the skyline all afternoon. We decided to go up to the top. I've never seen a view like it but I have to be honest, the lines started to frustrate me up and down the tower. It's not romantic but it's worth seeing for sure.

And that was our day in Paris. We grabbed dinner after this and we were shattered. Our favourite part of Paris was being in Paris. Walking in the park and along the river and admiring the Parisienne buildings and bridges that we've seen in the movies. The one place we didn't include in this trip that I have visited before and recommend is MontMartre. A whole afternoon could be spent here eating, drinking and exploring the cobbled streets and artisans stalls.. 

Hope this is useful for somebody who has a day to explore Paris. Any more specific questions, use the comments! 

January 6, 2016

Turning *whispers* 30...

I don't want to write a long whiny blog post about how it feels to realise my last evening as a twenty something. Truth be told, I ordered chinese food and watched a disney movie. I plan to go to bed early because the first week back to morning alarms after Christmas is kicking my ass! (Awwww...do you remember Christmas?) 

What I do want to say is that my 20's were many things. They were affirming, confusing, amazing, really hard work, rewarding, sometimes lonely and fairly embarrassing at times. They were filled with life lessons and unforgettable experiences that have shaped who I am as an adult. I remember feeling so unsatisfied at times when things didn't work out or when I didn't reach my goals but now looking back overall, it feels really satisfying to have made it here. It feels a little like I've lived a lifetime already.

I learned lots in my 20's. Tonnes. Most of it I can't remember but the really important stuff I do...

  • I'm a cat person. A total cat lady. Yay for cute cat videos on facebook.
  • It actually does matter what people think about you. But only the right people. You have to figure out who they are.
  • You will fall in love and it will be great. And until you do, savor that time to strengthen friendships that will last a lifetime.
  • Life is one big balancing act and that will never change. You will always be working to improve something but make that a good thing and enjoy the journey.
  • Be prepared to take risks for what you want and follow your instincts. 

So now I'm looking forward to my 30's. Because I'm ready for it. My hopes and aspirations have shifted and matured and it's perfect timing. This decade I hope to get married, buy my first home, start a family and just continue to be happy. I still hope for unexpected opportunities and that the few things I'm still working on might fall into place but one day at a time. And the next few are for celebrating. Grab your hair crimpers, blue eye-shadow and leg warmers because this weekend we are going back to the 80's where it all started. I can't wait!

January 1, 2016

2016 Day 1

Another new year. It's exhausting. Counting down to different things throughout the year...holidays, occasions, finishing a project...and culminating in Christmastime which is this wonderful opportunity to eat and be lazy, drink and be merry. Then you go straight back to day 1 and start all over again. It's exhausting.

How did you start 2016? My New Year Day's have followed somewhat of a pattern in recent years. A big lazy lie in because, let's face it, there's only 3 more sleeps til back to work alarms followed by taking down the Christmas decorations (reluctantly). I know it's only Day 8 of Christmas but the end of the season can make me feel very sad and anxious. I miss the lights and the songs of Christmastime when they're gone. I miss the lazy mornings and carefree days. I miss the friends and family who you don't see too often throughout the year. So instead of dwelling on the sadness, I suck it up and pack it all away. I print my photo's and smile while I stick them on the fridge or in the photo album. I clear the space, re-organise a little and this makes it easier to get back into gear and move forward.

This might seem like quite a negative take on the beginning of a new year but I'm actually sharing this because my New Year's resolution is to focus on the positive and not dwell on the negative. There's alot in my life that could make me anxious, things like money, goals I haven't achieved yet, neglected friendships, missing things when they're over or gone. But there is so much more in my life that I can look forward to...traveling, buying my first home, birthday parties, no more job insecurities and all the things I don't even know about yet.

I'm going to try to stop worrying, and start looking forward. Today I tried to stop worrying that Christmas was over, and started to look forward to 2016.

December 27, 2015

Merry & Happy

Happy Christmas Everyone. I hope your festive period has been and continues to be merry and bright. Mine certainly has.

Christmas creeped up on me a little bit this year and I felt disappointed that I couldn't seem to find the time to do all the festive things I like to do this time of year. I didn't bake Christmas cookies despite the hundreds of ideas I found on Pinterest. I only made 2 coffee cup gift tags for my wrapping. I still haven't watched Elf or Home Alone 2. 

But these are the relatively unimportant things. I've spent time with friends and family, albeit it low key. I have been absolutely spoiled by the ones I love. I've eaten good food and drank lots of wine. 

I was in town yesterday and waiting for my brother to get a coffee to go. An Indian monk approached me. He was giving away books on meditation and yoga but he asked about my karma. Do I have good karma he asked. Now I don't believe in karma, but I said yes. For all the reasons I just mentioned, yes I have good karma. And he said yes, yes I had a feeling you did. 

So despite missing out on a few festive traditions this year, if I'm giving out positive and happy vibes, Christmas has been another success. Good for the soul. 

October 29, 2015

Half Term Musings

"First I was dying to finish high school and start college.

Then I was dying to finish college and start working.

And then I was dying to get married and have children.

And then I was dying for my children to grow up so I could return to work.

And then I was dying to retire.

And now I'm dying...and I suddenly realise I've forgotten to live"


August 29, 2015

Back to school, back to iPads

The focus for our first day back at school this year was ICT and specifically e-safety for kids and the use of iPads in the classroom. I've been using an iPad professionally for 3 years and every year it becomes more and more indispensable for pupil and lesson organisation, creativity and inspiration. This year, we will have class sets of iPads available which will open even more doors with regards to the number of apps that are useful and effective.

So I thought I would share my top iPad apps for teaching because I found similar blog posts by fellow teachers really useful when I started out with my iPad. And I would love to hear any of your recommendations in the comments below.

1. iDoceo 
I absolutely love this app. I use it for everything...planning, seating arrangements, to-do lists and recording attendance, progress and achievements. I'm able to back it up to google drive everyday so I don't lose anything and it keeps everything portable which is useful for events like parent consultations or working from home. It takes a little time getting used to navigating the app and setting things up at the beginning of the school year but it is more than worth it.

2. Google Drive
At the beginning of last year, my external hard-drive broke and any young professional, especially teachers who spend the start of their careers in many different schools, will know that the number of digital resources stored on our hard drives is significant. Thankfully, I was able to recover the contents and  they were saved and backed up onto google drive. And instead of buying a new hard-drive, I now access everything on Google Drive and it's brilliant. Again, it's the portability of my resources that is so appealing.

3. Pinterest
Pinterest has got to be one of my favorite means of social networking in the last few years. I set up a professional account on my iPad and have hundreds of ideas and images saved to refer to in my lesson planning. Pinterest is such a source of inspiration and has led me to blogs and sites that I bookmark and use on a regular basis.

4. Class Dojo
I first used this when I was focusing on using ICT in assessment as part of my induction program. It is more useful with younger audiences, although with the right GCSE or A-level class it can be very fun too. You input your class list, the app assigns each pupil to a unique avatar and during your lesson you can reward pupils for certain behaviours or efforts or sanction pupils if that's the case. What I love about this app is that it's 100% customisable and with the use of private, unique student codes you can offer great feedback to pupils and parents.

5.  Sand Timer
Exactly what it says on the tin. I like to promote time management skills in my lessons, especially during practical lessons. This is a cool visual indicator for pupils to refer to when they have been asked to complete a task in a given time frame.

6. Skitch

This app allows you to take a photo and annotate it. For practical apparatus and experimental observations this has been really useful. The photo's are easily saved and embedded in class presentations which helps with consistency of resources. I prefer to use this app than search on google images for diagrams or pictures.

7. Quizlet
This is a great app for kids to use when studying at home and effective for teachers to use in the classroom too. At first, it looks like a basic flashcard app (boring!). But you can then turn this into a time trial mix and match card game, which is how I like to use it as a plenary activity in a junior lesson. It also generates a link that, when clicked from an email and opened in a browser, opens a test filled with questions on your specific flashcards. Every time you click the link, a new test is generated and pupils are able to assess themselves over and over again. The reason I love this app is it's simplicity and how quickly you can set it up.

8. Padlet 

This is still a relatively new one for me but I'm excited to use it more when there is more than one iPad available in the classroom. It is essentially a digital notice board with a unique, secure code. Pupils in your classroom can open a private board on any iPad (or smart phone?) and contribute pictures, comments, ideas or video's which I can then display at the front. It improves pupil enjoyment of the brain storming process and extends the possibilities as pupils have access to the internet whilst posting ideas.

9. Gojimo
Pupils told me about this app and I have to say, in terms of subject specific apps, this is the best one. I find the problem with subject specific apps is that the difficulty level isn't usually right and there is always some content which isn't relevant. Gojimo allows you to select the qualification you're studying for e.g. GCSE and the specific exam e.g. Chemistry Unit 1 and it generates multiple choice questions which are challenging for all pupils. Worthwhile for fast finishers, revision sessions or a good recommendation for your pupils revising at home.

I also have a few apps I've downloaded to use in the next few weeks that you may be interested in.

10. Plickers
A digital alternative to mini white boards in the classroom. Each pupil gets a unique 'plicker' and the teacher writes a multiple choice quiz. Pupils hold up their 'plicker' in the correct orientation according to the question, the teacher scans the classroom with the iPad and it shows how many pupils were right!

11. Decide Now 
This is a wheel of fortune style selector. You do have to pay 79p to be able to customise the wheel but once you can, I have lots of ideas for the classroom and it will take no time to set up and use. E.g. Homework choices, Friday afternoon activities with 6th year, revision sessions

12. Explain Everything
This won't be a new app for many teachers but, for some reason, I have never got to grips with or used Explain Everything to it's full potential. This year I'm aiming to make more of it and 'flip the classroom' by sending pupils home to watch and learn then using class time to consolidate.

So that's my iPad round-up for now. I have a huge appreciation for ICT in teaching and believe that all teachers need to stay on top of what's new in an attempt to appeal to younger, tech-savvy audiences but I also believe that ICT for the sake of it is a waste of teacher and pupil time and can sometimes over-complicate lessons. Only use ICT to enhance a lesson, never to tick a box. And don't forget to let me know your ideas.

August 23, 2015

Live your life. Forget your age.

I read an interesting article in this months Cosmo while getting my hair coloured yesterday...it was Radio 1's Jameela Jamil evaluating an article she came across which listed life's major milestones and the age which we're expected to reach them. Her responses were very funny so I though I'd evaluate my own progress...

First Kiss 15
I can't remember who my first kiss was or where it was but I think I was a little younger than 15. And it was horrible. I'm surprised I ever did it more than once!

First FT Job 20
I was 26 when I started my first full time job and I was 29 when I got my first permanent contract so I'm way off here. But if you think about it, this is absolutely ridiculous considering students studying a bachelor degree won't finish uni until they're 21. And how many graduates are actually able to bag a job right off the bat anyway?

Pass your driving test 20
I didn't pass my driving test until I came home from uni/travelling and I think I was 23. This was a pain in the ass and I highly recommend getting it done at 18, especially if you live somewhere like Northern Ireland where the quality of public transport is questionable.

Buy your first car 22
Obviously not! I bought my first car at 26 and if I'm being honest, my Dad helped me so I didn't have to finance it without a permanent job! So that would be another fail.

First holiday with friends 20
I went on holiday with friends at 18 and pretty much every year after that til I was 25! I never did the 'drink-all-night and sleep-all-day on the island holiday' and I have no regrets about that because I always had great times filled with funny stories that we still reminise about now we're all turning 30.

First holiday with a partner 23
I only just came home from my first holiday with my partner and I'm 29. I have been on holiday with friends and my boyfriend at the time has been there too but it's not the same and I wouldn't consider those boyfriends my partner. Going on holiday with a partner is a test of a relationship and I'm happy to say we passed with flying colours. Roll on next summer for more of the same!

Be a bridesmaid 23
I think I was 24 the first time I was a bridesmaid and it was a very special experience. That year was also the beginning of a massive wave of weddings and was the first time I ever considered whether I might be failing at life's milestones. 5 years later and 5 years wiser I can assure you I wasn't.

Rent on your own 24
I have been living on my own for 4 years, since I was 25 but my living situation is very unique. My parents reside in Poland so I take care of our family home. It's perfect...I live independantly, can socialise care free and have an opportunity to save to buy. I don't think I will every rent again but never say never.

Get married 27
Obviously not. This is a difficult one to comment on. Throughout my twenties, friends were getting married left right and centre and it was hard coming home and not thinking about your own wedding and meeting your life partner and all the excited and sad feelings that come along with that. What I will say with confidence is that you have no control over when you meet the right guy or under what circumstances. But when you do you won't care what age you are or whether or not you've missed this milestone, you.ll just look forward to what's to come with that person.

Buy first flat 27
This makes sense to buy your first flat with your first husband (and hopefully last!).  And if you've been working full time since you're 20 it's a reasonable age to buy your first property if you're unattached. I won't be buying a house for another 2-3 years and I'm 29. It's a huge financial commitment and considering I'm only beginning my first permanent job this week, I'm not quite ready for it. It's also different when you have a partner when it becomes a joint commitment. I don't care if "now's the time to buy" or "house prices are going up". It's never the time to buy if you can't afford it.

Have first child 28
Missed this one too! But alot of my friends are right on track! And these kids bring me alot of joy.

So as you can see, I'm behind schedule for pretty much all of life's major pre-30 milestones. But it makes me want to giggle more than it makes me want to cry. These suggestions are all inter-dependent and for some people it's accurate and it works but I would be surprised if this is the norm. 3 or 4 years ago, I might not have appreciated the humour of this article in Cosmo but now I do. I'm looking forward to reaching these milestones in the next decade but I don't care for the number that comes after each one.

How do you feel? Are you 'on track'?

August 21, 2015

Abs Abs Arms!

Last week of summer holidays and last Wed morning PT session. Evening sessions will take some getting used to. As you may have guessed already we did a lot of ab work and a little arm work in the gym this week. We used a 5kg kettle bell and medicine ball for a few moves but it was mostly floor work that requires no additional equipment. It wasn't as energetic as last weeks leg session but it made me sweat and tested my stamina. Most exercises we worked through, I would get tired halfway through the reps so would have to push hard to get through it. Apparently this is when your body starts to change shape and that very thought keeps you going. 

So we settled on a core challenge over the next 30 days. There are so many of these infographics available but that can make it hard to know which one to choose. With the help of my PT we chose one which incorporates moves that I had been using with him so that I could be confident of technique. Have a look and try it yourself! For this week we're going to try and repeat the circuit for each day 3 times with a small break in between! Good luck!

August 19, 2015

So long sweet sweet summer...

It's back to school eve! What do you think teacher's do on the last day of their holidays? After 6 weeks of cheeky lie-in's and late nights and more time than you know what to do with, how do you get your head back in the game? I can't speak for teachers with families but based on what I do, here's some advice.

Enjoy a leisurely morning...
One of my favorite things about a day off is being able to stay in my pj's when I get out of bed, make a big breakfast and watch a little tv or read some blogs on my iPad with a big cup of coffee before I even think about getting ready for the day. I make sure I can do this on the last day of my summer.

Go the the gym...
There's no excuses for not keeping fit in the summer although I still made a fair few early on! Mid morning is my favorite time to be in the gym because it's so quiet. Today I was able to play with lots of equipment which is usually taken or surrounded by gym freaks flexing their muscles in the mirror. (Stay tuned and I'll post my latest fitness challenge!)

Pamper yourself....
You want to go back to school feeling refreshed and confident for the term ahead. So use your favorite face mask and favorite smelling shampoo and body lotion so that you look and feel good the next morning. I really like the Una Brennan Facialist range at Boots at the minute, feels fancy without the price tag.

Get organised...
In the summertime, I dress very casually and don't use a handbag most of the time. I wear less make up and I let my hair do what it likes. During term time I like to look a little more put-together. Make a hair appointment and get your eyebrows sorted out. Pick out an outfit and get your handbag organised. Charge up your school electronics and make sure you have a decent lunch to bring with you. First day back is draining so you'll need all your energy. Most of it will come from coffee but you need a little food in the mix also.

Meet a friend for coffee...
Hopefully you've been doing this all summer so why not today? Socialise. Going back to school or work tomorrow isn't the end of the world or your social life so you don't need to isolate yourself for a day to prepare. Go somewhere you know does a great cup of Joe, treat yourself to that massive traybake that looks so good and have a natter.

Adjust your mindset...
Don't dread going back to work or school. If you love your job, you should never dread it. The early morning alarm might not feel great and losing some of those hours each day takes some getting used to but we're teachers...we love routine and let's be honest...we've missed it a little the last couple of weeks. It's very easy for teacher's to live for the next holiday which is always 6/7 weeks around the corner and I'm the worst culprit. But it fosters restlessness and discontent and when you're job is to be enthusiastic, these aren't great things to have to battle against. It's something I will be working on this term for sure.

Don't eat take-out food...
I've been so tempted all day to treat myself to chinese food for dinner since my apartment is clean and tidy and its my last holi-day. But I won't. Because when I wake up in the morning after a massive take out, I feel hung over. Not fresh or energised, Just sleepy and lethargic. Instead...arrange to go out for dinner at the weekend with your girlfriends or boyfriend or whoever. There's something to look forward to.

When everything's ready to go, forget about going back to school and snuggle up with your boyfriend, best friend or just yourself and watch something you know you'll enjoy. Cosy up and enjoy the fact that for the rest of the evening you have nothing to worry about then get an early night. Deal with tomorrow when tomorrow happens. It might not be so bad, and if it is...you'll deal with it.

And on that note...I'm off to enjoy my evening. So long sweet summer. See you again next year!

August 13, 2015

You've probably been doing it wrong

This week has me feeling less like summer and more like "shit, term starts next week"! It's been back to earth with a big big bang after July. Things got busy and to-do lists got longer. There's less time to be care-free and more tasks and appointments to juggle in your head. But I want to be care-free all the time and that's something to work on.

I met my PT today for our first official session. We met in the park and completed 2 TRX suspension circuits. I've never used TRX straps but they worked pretty well and if your gym has them, definitely have a go. I have to take care of my knees when I exercise and with these circuits I was squatting and lunging with absolutely no pressure on my knees whatsoever.
And guess what I learned girls? Most of us are doing it wrong. We copy the workout videos on YouTube and follow the challenges on Pinterest and it's hard, but it's supposed to be so much harder. And that's why we don't all have our Kardashian butt's already!

I'm not an expert but next time you squat....butt to the floor and weight in the heel of the foot. Way harder right? If you want to try my workout at home, I've included the 2 circuits below. They may be slightly less effective without TRX equipment but if your technique is on point, they will still be worthwhile. It hurts to sit on the toilet today so it's woken my muscles up alright.

CIRCUIT 1 (Repeat 4 times)

  • 20 squats butt to the floor and rise through the heels
  • 12 press ups girly ones are fine, but only if hips are lowered
  • 15 lunges per leg when your knee reaches the floor you should feel the stretch in both glutes and if you don't move your feet further apart
  • 12 tricep dips butt at the very edge of the chair and knees at right angles
CIRCUIT 2 (Repeat 2 times)

  • 15 step ups each leg step up onto a chair and lift opposite leg across your body
  • 20 sit-ups full ones, anchor your feet
  • 10 curtsey lunges per leg
  • 20 floor raises (See picture)

August 6, 2015

I met my PT today...

Back home and unpacked after a lovely time away in Spain. It was a great holiday...the sun was shining, the pool was refreshing, the cocktails were delicious and the company was unbeatable. It was fun and relaxing and good for the soul. Now that we're home, we're showing off our tans, mourning the loss of the hot hot sun, looking back on photo's and trying to get back into the swing of real life. The countdown to the start of term is on...

As most of you know, I tried the #careergirlchallenge in July. It was a positive endeavour...it offered a little guidance but room for modification and checking in on here offered a little accountability. But it wasn't enough. It was too easily modified and although I felt good trying the challenge, the overall results were minimal.

I'm turning 30 in 5 months exactly. I'm looking forward to my thirties, I'm ready for my thirties. When I join the club I want to be happy, healthy and confident. The last few years have been tough enough but I've worked hard and I now have my dream job, my dream guy, the most fabulous friends...there's just one thing...I'm still not happy with my body. And I'm determined to fix that before the next 5 months are up.

So today I met my personal trainer for an initial consultation. Having marked official exam papers this summer, I had a little extra disposable cash and even though I'd planned to save it, I changed my mind and decided to invest in my body confidence. I've opted for a 12 week program which involves 1 PT session each week and one optional early morning class with 3-5 other clients each week. Today we took measurements and completed a 40 minute fitness test on the treadmill. It was just walking...3.5mph the whole time, increasing the incline by 0.5 every minute until you hit your maximum. My results....I'm relatively fit, but my stamina sucks and this was no surprise. It's one of the main reasons I want a PT, to help me push through the pain and keep going when I exercise so that I can finally see some real results

So what are my goals?

  • lose inches
  • improve stamina
  • tone tone tone!
I'm hopefully going to keep checking in here, post about what I'm doing in my sessions, what I'm doing myself at the gym and what I'm eating later on in the program. Feel free to ask questions or leave funny/encouraging messages. There's about 50 people who read my posts and I want to hear from you!

July 26, 2015

Still a career girl...still challenged...

Officially the career girl challenge is over, but unofficially it's still only getting started. I didn't work out everyday and I modified the program to fit my circumstances but that's ok. Because I did workout, and I sweated it out when I did. And I'll continue to do that when I can and I don't just mean when I feel like it. I mean when I genuinely can...a free morning or afternoon at home. 

I've spent the weekend watching documentaries...the summer weather here in Northern Ireland is less than tropical! It's bloody miserable and I've never been happier to have booked a summer holiday (just 2 days to go). I re-watched a documentary called hungry for change for a little motivation and inspiration. I highly recommend it and I've blogged about it on here before.

Point is...weight loss and feeling good is mostly diet. It effects your mood, your skin, your hair, your confidence, your weight and your health. And we don't have a clue what we're eating most of the time. My aim for the next little while is to cut down on sugar. This is huge for me, a self confessed coca cola addict with a horrendously sweet tooth but I think it will have a really positive impact on my quest for self improvement.

I started by purchasing Davina McCall's 5 weeks to no sugar recipe book. I'd never heard of the book but I'm a big fan of Davina's fitness programs. When I flicked through the recipes it was refreshing to see that they were normal family (and boyfriend) friendly dishes with normal, accessible ingredients.The last cook book I bought was a lovely book for my kitchen shelf but it was too 'green' and I had to look on Amazon for some of the ingredients making it unrealistic. 

This evening I baking brownies using 100% dark chocolate with honey and pure maple syrup for sweetness. White flour was replaced with wholemeal spelt flour which meant the brownies were filled with natural sugars only that will break down in your body. They're still pretty calorific but there's no white processed sugar that really just turns to fat lurking behind afterwards. The finished product on its own is ok. Warmed up with a little ice cream is delicious!! 

Stay tuned for more ideas and reviews that might be helpful for a reduced sugar lifestyle! 

July 15, 2015

#careergirlchallenge Day 23

I can't believe it's Day 23! Yesterday I tried a kettle-bell workout. It was 20 minutes long and I really liked it. I don't have a kettle-bell at home so I used a 3kg dumbell instead and it must have worked just fine because I was red in the face, sweaty and I could feel all the movements in just the right places. I don't feel it as much as I thought I would today so I'm going to extend the workout today.

This is the video I used and I cannot recommend this channel enough. I absolutely love it! In the video, you complete 4 circuits of 5 basic moves, starting with 15 reps, then 14, then 13, then 12. Today I'm going to do the same, but work down to 8 reps of each. And see how that feels tomorrow! 

With just 2 weeks til we fly to Lanzarote where the sun is sure to be shining, I've been trying to find some worthwhile additions to my summer wardrobe. Except every single thing I've ordered, I've had to return and every store I've been into is filled with disappointing sale racks. 

Lets take today for instance. River island is one my favorite high street stores but every top or dresse I really liked was covered in make up around the neckline. Do people actually buy these items? It's very frustrating and I left empty handed. I also picked up an online order of 5 items...you'd think at least 1 would be good, right? Wrong. The maxi dress was too long...even with my tallest wedges and the colouring was way off the picture. The playsuit was way out of proportion...bottom half was perfectly cute but there was all this excess material on top, Very strange. The white skinny jeans were not denim and looked like age 12 rather than size 12. The white summer 'dress' literally did not cover my butt. And speaking as somebody who is only 5ft 4in, that is ridiculous. And the flat sandals were actually lovely...until I noticed the big black mark along the top that can't be removed. Seriously?

So now I have to spend the first part of my day tomorrow returning everything and I'm starting to worry about what I actually will wear on holiday. Can anyone empathise?

July 14, 2015

Organisation...good for the soul

Once every summer holiday, I take a day to completely red out my wardrobe which, I have to be honest, extends far beyond the confines of a single wardrobe. As I approach my thirties, I have collected up so much stuff and when I buy my forever home complete with walk in closet, I will have less problems. But for now, I have a few problems!

Step 1:
What do you have to work with? Hoke out any storage boxes that aren't being utilised effectively. How many drawers and shelves do you have? How much hanging space is there? Is it full length? Storage can be quite decorative and inexpensive so sometimes treating your bedroom or apartment to something new can be a good inspiration. I highly recommend TK Maxx for decorative storage and Ikea for inexpensive, varied storage solutions. Also, do a little research. Start pinning!

Step 2:
What are you going to do with everything you no longer need or want? I always have a Charity bag on hand and a large storage box for clothes that are out of season e.g. knitwear, winter coats and I'll store these in a spare room. I also set aside a few things that I think my friends might be interested in, especially if it's accessories. And then there's the bin, for the stains you can't get out, the unwanted holes, the fashion faux pas etc etc.

Step 3:
This is the fun part. There may be a more systematic way to approach this but I just dive straight in. How you decide what to do with each item of clothing is up to you. Some will say if you wouldn't buy it again, get rid. If you haven't worn it in a year, get rid. If it doesn't fit, gt rid. Just be realistic. If there are clothes that don't fit me very well, I keep them in a box under my bed. Then the next time I clear out at Christmas or next summer, I try them all on again. Those that still aren't great get tossed and those that do look good feel like new clothes! Some items of clothing will very quickly go out of style and some will say keep these...what goes around, comes around. But think of it this way...we are currently living through a 90's revival. Are you going to keep that neon crop top with tassles for 20 years til it comes around again?

Step 4:
If you're anything like me at this point your room will look horrendous. I'm surrounded with clothes and shoes and accessories and boxes and I'm not always sure where to go next. Take one step at a time. Today I had a great idea for storing all my flat pumps and shoes under the portable hanging rail I have. Once I did this, it cleared more space for other shoes and allowed me to recycle 5/6 shoe boxes which take up lots of space. After this there was more space for my clutch bags and scarfs which left space for my trainers and so on and so forth. All you need is one great idea to de-clutter or condense and the rest just follows. Stick with it and if you don't know where to go, take a tea break and do some research on Pinterest for ideas. There's also been times where I've left it overnight and started again with a fresh head the next day.

Step 5:
Clean the rest of your bedroom and admire all your hard work. By picking things up around the room and putting them away, you will quickly see whether your new storage ideas are working. It also gives you an excuse to open your wardrobe door several times and smile at how much your productivity has paid off!

5 black binliners, 5 hours and 2 scratches later, I'm done with one empty drawer to spare! And now I can start thinking about my summer holiday wardrobe without forgetting anything. And maybe I can treat myself when we go outlet shopping on Friday!

Any good organisation ideas? Let me know!